The Section 22 Board would like to wish everyone a very Happy New Year! We welcome 2025 with renewal and growth here at Burnt Store Marina. As we recover from celebrating, I am sure you’re reflecting on your New Year’s Resolution. May all our troubles during the coming
year be as short as our “New Year’s Resolutions.”
During the past year numerous improvements have been completed, and we “thank” all that have assisted in making these projects come to fruition. There is also more to do, and we are moving in the right direction. We look with open minds as we move into the future. With each and every day that goes by, we will face situations and changes that we must adapt to. “The secret of change is to focus all our energy, not in fighting old, but on building new,” Dan Millman.
“Potential” is my word for the New Year. “Potential” is defined as someone’s or something’s ability to develop, achieve or succeed. “
Most of us spend January 1st walking through our lives, room by room, drawing up a list of work to be done, cracks to be patched, and balancing our list, not looking at flaws, but for “potential.” The Section 22 BOD spends most of their time trying to accomplish the same thing on a daily basis. “Potential” is my word for the New Year. “Potential” is defined as someone’s or something’s ability to develop, achieve or succeed. “To reach your greatest potential you’ll have to fight your greatest fears.”- Anonymous. As we moved on through the year, Sec. 22 BOD has dealt with fears about making decisions that affect everyone and approached each one with the future in mind. The Board has recently hired Morris-Depew Associates for site planning services within our community. They will be looking at all our amenities and property within our gates for the “potential” of expanding what is here. All of our amenities and public entities within our walls enhance the values of our homes.
Being positive in our New Year’s Resolution is so important. Focusing on making our lives, family and homes better, brings us strength and happiness. There is a great deal to be thankful for moving ahead into 2025 Hurricane season has passed and we “dodged the bullet” for the most part. Some of us are still recovering from Hurricane Ian, and we were hit with two more hurricanes, however we are all moving forward. Using our time to be a little more productive, and branching out to support and help others has been proven to bring you happiness. Also, being close to others can boost your mood.
In the days to come let’s find ways to expand where it is needed, and enhance our daily lives. Improving our home and wellbeing can also bring opportunities and adventures. Let’s welcome change, embrace working together and making Burnt Store Marina extraordinary.
Burnt Store Marina is unique, not for just what we have here, but the special people that live here. Here’s to a bright New Year and a fond farewell to the old; here’s to the things that are yet to come, and to the memories we hold; here’s to the friends who are here, and the new friends that will join us.
Section 22 HOA Annual Board Meeting Tuesday, January 28 at 10 a.m. Location: Burnt Store Presbyterian Church
Section 22 HOA Board Workshops Every Tuesday at 9 a.m. Location: Linside Patio