Club News and Activities

Fitness, Friends & Fun…Happy, Healthy New Year

  • January 2025

Happy New Year, friends! As we flip the calendar to 2025, let’s take a moment to reflect on the past year and set our intentions for the one ahead. Remember that feeling of accomplishment when you reach a fitness goal? Let’s recreate that magic this year!

We all know the adage nothing ventured, nothing goaled. Wait, that’s not it – No Goal, No Gain, or following the Goal-den Rule. Without goals how are you going to know where you’re going? Setting goals isn’t just about the destination; it’s about the journey.

Why Goals Matter

• Motivation: Clear goals provide direction and purpose.

• Progress: Tracking your progress helps you stay on track and celebrate milestones.

• Confidence: Achieving smaller goals boosts your self-belief.

• Focus: Goals can help you stay focused on what’s important.

• Personal Growth: Setting and achieving goals can lead to significant personal growth.

• Productivity: A healthier lifestyle can improve overall productivity. Remember the early worm catches the goal

Let’s Get Started

The fitness center is here to support your fitness journey with a variety of weekly classes and social events. There are many ways to create and start working towards your fitness goals. Here, it’s easy to feel supported by classmates and teammates. Why not start 2025 with a workout buddy? The first best reason is accountability. We can all use a friend to help us stay on track. Together, you two can set and regularly meet to check your progress. With a workout partner, you can talk about challenges and celebrate successes.

Day Passes Discontinued

In a concerted effort to serve the best interests of our full-time and seasonal members, we have discontinued the day pass. To keep our highly popular and impacted programs available to our community, offering day passes is counterproductive. We understand this may be inconvenient, but it’s necessary to protect the quality of our programs.

Tennis, Anyone?

If you’re a tennis enthusiast or looking to pick up a new hobby, join our tennis community. Our recent Turkey Tennis Tournament was a blast, and we’re always looking for new players. The first annual Turkey Tennis Tourney had it all! Pictured are Division 1 winners: Kelly Millar & Tom Schmitz; Division 2 winners: Kim Behney & Kelly Beaty; and Division 3 winners: Dorothy Schroder & Jamie Jones. Contact Elaine Kehoe at (518) 534-4612 to learn more.


Let’s make 2025 your healthiest year yet! Here’s to a year of growth, strength, and happiness.