Information / Education


  • January 2025

To be sure that you are up to date on all that is happening in the Burnt Store Marina community, you need to be up-to-date on the use of our website.

Our website lists your Section 22 Board of Directors and how to contact them. In addition, there is news about your amenities, and document and forms. And, you can check out clubs and organizations, and the vendors who service our community.

When you log in to the “residents’ eyes only” section, you will find great contact information for the Certified Response Team (CERT), and what to do in case of emergency. You will also be able to access Section 22 financials, your account information, and the Resident Directory.

To be sure YOUR contact information is up-to-date, you need to log in, or follow directions to register. Then go to Your Profile > Profile Settings. There, you can update your telephone and email information. Then, to OPT IN to the online Resident Directory, turn the BLUE toggles to GRAY.

If you did not receive the current digital issue of the BSM Beacon, you need to go to Once there, you can input your information to subscribe, and receive future emailed copies. Please note: by contract with PGI Section 22 HOA, your email will not be used in any other way by Seabreeze Communications.

If you are having problems logging onto the resident section of our website, OR, are not receiving Alliant Management email blasts, please contact Alliant Property Management at [email protected], or call 239-454-1101.