Oh, my goodness, it’s October already, and the season will be here before you know it at Burnt Store Marina. Cooler temperatures are greatly appreciated after another extremely warm summer. We will be welcoming many of our friends and neighbors upon their return to BSM, one of the best places in SWFL. We are unique in the fact that we are a community that we access a variety of businesses; Burnt Store Marina Country Club, Linkside Café, Fitness Center, Trading Post,
Cass Cay, Safe Harbor Marina, cart rentals, farmers market, Platinum Point Yacht Club, and various Real Estate Offices all located within our gates. Not to mention, only a cart ride away. We have had a great summer and eagerly await your return.
While you were up north enjoying your family and friends, we have been enduring the heat, playing golf and enjoying Linkside Café and the many amenities available to us. We have also been utilizing this time to work on much needed projects in the community. As you know, water is an integral and essential need to our day-to-day needs. Currently the Irrigation Committee and the Board are obtaining bids for the drilling of much needed wells for water on the golf course and community irrigation. As soon as all the bids are perused, and final decisions made, this project will move forward.
The front entrance sign is completed and ready to welcome us all home! Updating the painting with the new color scheme throughout the community has been completed this summer. Stop by and see the seating and landscaping to the outside of the Fitness Center, as well as the pool area, which has cooled off many during this extremely warm summer. We have seen ongoing efforts in the Marina from the installation of new docks and continued repair, to the damage from Hurricane Ian.
Thank goodness the Marina was doused with a great deal of precipitation this summer. Our flora and fauna have been flourishing. The golf course has absorbed all the rain and is a beautiful shade of green. Golf maintenance crews have been working diligently to handle whatever “Mother Nature” has thrown at them. They have completed the bulkhead on Osprey 5, and the tee boxes have been sodded. We all know how popular this hole is, and many of us have missed it while playing Osprey, and look forward to it being utilized soon. There is such a beautiful view from Osprey #6 looking across the irrigation pond.
Here at Linkside Café, the lanai floor has been epoxied, as well as the bar floor inside, which enhances both these areas.
The ladies’ bathroom has been updated, thanks to Ladies League and others who donated funds for a much-needed improvement. New toilets, sinks, faucets and countertops have been installed. The walls were painted a complementary color, and the floor tiles were cleaned. We worked with the budget, and it is a welcoming change. Thanks to Melody Groh, Lynda Vail and Kathi McKay for making this project come to fruition. Also, say thanks to Mike Proudfoot, our “BSM Maintenance Man,” stepping in and assisting whenever needed. In case you didn’t know, he is always working around the Fitness Center, Pool area, Country Club, and anywhere else in the community making things run smoothly once again. Mike lives in our community and has become quite an asset, we are very pleased to have him. When you see him or meet him tell him “Thank You.”
Hooray, the Tiki permits are in, and the Tiki Hut and Stage are up. What a unique asset to the Country Club. Without the fans in, the temperature under the Tiki is very comfortable. The lighting has been installed. The trees that were removed to install the tiki were used in the community. There is a landscaping addition behind Osprey 1 and Pelican 1, using palm trees from this area. White paving stones were placed along the perimeter of the patio along with solar paver lights that will alert members/guests of the slight step up into the Tiki Hut. The round tables from the far patio have been placed inside the Tiki, with the picnic tables moved to the other patio. We are currently working on ideas to enhance the additional patio with shade to fit into our outside theme.
The Tiki stage will have a platform, and railings attached to it, and ready for our season entertainment. The beverage truck will be moved a little closer to the Tiki with a patio around it and all loose stones will be removed. This outside area will be used to complement all our outside events.

The opening “Thursday Tiki Time” will be on November 7, presenting Deb and the Dynamics, so mark your calendars. As well as the variety of events inside the Country Club we plan on offering outside events for our members. Visit the community website for information on what is available throughout the community this season. There is something for everyone.
The much-awaited Dog Park is in the permitting stages. The committee is ready to move ahead full speed upon approval. Our four-legged friends are eager to run and roam free in the newly fenced in area. Information on the Grand Opening will be released as the project becomes closer to completion.
A program will be implemented to replace the trees that have been damaged by hurricanes on the golf course and throughout the community. The addition of these trees will return our landscape to the standards we intended. Anyone will be able to donate a tree in memory, honor or celebration, to become a living tribute. There will be a list of appropriate trees that you can choose from, and then decide in which available, designated areas to plant the tree. The donator will receive a certificate with various information regarding their tree and location of it. In addition, we plan on having a Donor Recognition Tree in the foyer of the Country Club that will have donor’s name placed on a leaf. Further information on this program will be sent to the community upon completion of all the program details.
Also, the Holidays are right around the corner. Preparations for Home for the Holidays have been in the works already. Every year things are getting bigger and better, and this year is no exception. As usual, the Home for Holidays starts with the annual Tree Lighting on December 5, with several new ideas planned. December 6, is the cart parade, with the return of the
Raiders, the Fort Myers High School Band to entertain you. This will continue with the Boat Decorating display in the Marina, as well as the Holiday Golf Scramble, and various other activities in the making. Please look for further information on these and other festivities. We enjoy seeing many children participating and visiting their families. Nothing warms our hearts and spirit more than seeing Christmas through the eyes of a child.
The hustle and bustle here mean many visitors and a great deal of traffic. However, we are very fortunate that Burnt Store Marina has so much to offer all within our community, and so special they’re only a “golf cart drive away.” We look forward to sharing with you the many experiences that we enjoy throughout the year here at Burnt Store Marina.