Surrounding Community

Dragon Boat…Want to give it a try?

  • Lori Lusher, Prosperity Point

Looking for a wonderful way to get some fresh air, make new friends and get an amazing workout? Dragon boating literally changed my life. Sounds crazy but you would be surprised.

Yes, I tried the usual ways to get in shape walking, Pilates, exercise classes. Nothing was working for me. I tried Dargon boating and was hooked. Dragon boating takes you to a place you think of nothing else, just your team and your position, “all in” as you would say.

Our team is mixed of men and women, all levels of experience. We have a fabulous mix of personalities who cheer each other on, in the boat and out. We practice regularly, 3 mornings a week. It is a commitment that we all enjoy. Our end goal, besides the camaraderie and upper body workout, is to win medals at races throughout the state, sometimes racing in the world championships.

The team is comprised of 22 people in the boat, including a steersperson, drummer, and 20 paddlers. The boat is 40 feet long. We have medaled across Florida this past season, UNDEFEATED!

Our team will be starting our season (Late September-April) very soon, and are looking forward to introducing new paddlers. Come on out, no obligation. We would love to show you what Dragon Boating is all about.