Club News and Activities

Bocce – That’s the Way We Roll

  • Carole Romaine, Independent Home Owner

One month to go, and the Bocce League will be officially rolling the balls to get closest to the pallino!! Until then, you are welcome to join a casual group playing to exercise, practice, and improve their skills.

Bocce is a fun, but challenging game with rules to follow. There is one target ball called a pallino. Two teams have four balls each of different colors. As in tennis, there is a foot fault rule. There is a line the player must stand behind when rolling the pallino or a player ball. To start each frame, the roll of the pallino must cross the center court line. If a players ball rolls the entire length of the court hitting the end rail without hitting a side rail, the pallino, or another ball, it is taken out of play for the remainder of that frame. Join the enthusiastic group to learn more.

The bocce court is adjacent to the northeast side of the parking lot at Burnt Store Marina Country Club. Beginning in November, play is every Tuesday, from 3 to 5 p.m., followed by dinner at Linkside Café, or another local restaurant. Dinner is optional, and you do not have to be a member of Burnt Store Marina Country Club to play bocce. There is a nominal fee of $1 per player collected each week for maintenance of equipment, and end of season party and prizes. You will find a welcoming group of bocce players every Tuesday. Grab your lawn chair and join the fun, or just come and observe to learn the game.

The Guys Talking Strategy

You are welcome to play bocce at your leisure. There is a guest set of bocce balls in the back of the golf cart barn. It is in the unlocked plastic container clearly marked for general use. Please be sure to return the equipment back to the cart barn when you are finished playing. So, gather your guests or grandchildren and spend a couple of hours having some bocce fun!

Our goal is to introduce the joy and competition of playing bocce to more people. It is an easy game to learn, but challenging. Bocce is a wonderful game to stay active, both socially and physically.

For more information and to be added to the email contact list, please contact Connie and Dave Huelsbeck at [email protected].