Nature and Animals

Burnt Store Marina Dog Park

For residents of BSM that would like to become members, follow the steps below. Membership is $100 per household not per dog. “WOOF! WOOF!

Peace River Audubon Society (PRAS)

CLOSER LOOK AT LEG BANDS In November, we were on our way for an Audubon bird walk at Myakka River State Park when we saw two Crested Caracaras eating roadkill on highway 72. We stopped to take photos. The photos were posted on our Audubon’s webpage, which connected me to a fellow birder. He helps […]

Tight Lines…Where Should I Fish During Winter Weather Patterns?

Where should I fish during winter weather patterns is the million-dollar question asked by anglers during this time of the year. After many seasons of gathering fishing data from members of the Burnt Store Anglers, we can offer a few suggestions. Fish are very subject to water temperature and their feeding habits are especially impacted […]

Bobcat Cub on Screen

Dale Cardin in Egret Point heard a noise on his lanai. When he went to explore, he saw this bobcat cub climbing his screen. He started to shoo the cub off the screen when he heard a momma bobcat start to growl. Not wanting to mess with momma, he left the cub alone. He eventually […]

Peace River Audubon Society (PRAS)

Happy New Year! What is the first bird you saw after waking up on the first day of the New Year? Share that joy with your friends and neighbors. Hopefully, you knew about the walk at Ollie’s Pond from last month’s Beacon, and were able to participate. UPCOMING EVENTS You do not have to be […]

Tight Lines…A Fishing Lesson Learned from the Best

It was May 11, 2011, and sixteen members of the Burnt Store Anglers gathered for the beginning of their training to become certified judges for the Guy Harvey Ultimate Shark Tournament. This tournament would begin in our marina. Each boat fishing in the tournament was required to have one judge on their boat to certify […]

Gardener’s Wheelbarrow

Growing zones are U.S. Department of Agriculture designations to indicate average minimum temperatures. BSM is located in subtropical zone 9b/10a, which is a transition area. Because we are in a transition area, we can experience extreme swings in temperatures, sometimes as much as 60 degrees within a month’s time. The most cold sensitive areas of […]

Tight Lines…How Big Was the Shark I Caught?

With the rapid change in weather patterns, barometric pressure has driven many species of fish into wild feeding habits. Usually ahead of a change in pressure, migratory fish begin an exciting feeding pattern. Several anglers who have managed to get out into the harbor and avoid the floating debris, have reported that they have caught […]

Burnt Store Marina Dog Park

The BSM Dog Park Committee members held the second annual Woof O Ween Pet Costume Contest and Party on October 29. Many of our four-legged residents and their owners came out to participate and share in the fun. See the pictures of this year’s winners on page 35. The BSM Dog Park will officially open […]