Recipe Box

Making a Christmas Charcuterie Wreath is an easy and fun holiday appetizer idea. Antipasto skewers arranged into a festive wreath shape then decorated with rosemary will be a show-stopping dish for all of your parties and feasts.This Antipasto Wreath is perfect for bringing to a party or dinner. It travels well and can be prepared […]

December Off Beat Holidays

December got its name from the Latin word decem (meaning ten) because it was originally the tenth month of the year in the Roman calendar, which began in March.If you were born in December, you are lucky to have a choice of three gems: blue topaz, turquoise and tanzanite. Blue is the color for December, […]

December’s Special Plant…Poinsettia

So, for that holiday gift exchange, you ended up with a potted poinsettia. It’s very pretty, but what do you do with it now, and…what do you know about them?Poinsettias are native to Mexico and are a popular holiday plant because of their colorful bracts (leaves). Poinsettia flowers are actually made up of the bracts, […]


LINKSIDE CAFÉ @ Burnt Store Marina C.C. 941-637-6405 | http://www.bsgac.org23415 Vincent Ave, Punta GordaOpen to the public*Lunch – Monday – Saturday, 11 a.m. – 3 p.m.*Dinner – Tuesday & Friday, 5 p.m. – 8 p.m.*Call for information for specialty dinners.*Reservations are recommended, as seating is limited.Walk-ins are gladly accepted. CASS CAY RESTAURANT & BAR 941-347-7148http://www.casscayrestaurant.comOpen […]

Gardener’s Wheelbarrow

The month of December will generally be dry, with two inches of rain if we’re lucky. December’s daytime temperatures are usually warm, ranging from 66 to 85; and lows from 43 to 72. But, this is a month when frost can also occur. The bottom line? Be prepared for anything and watch for plants drying […]

Tight Lines…How Big Was the Shark I Caught?

With the rapid change in weather patterns, barometric pressure has driven many species of fish into wild feeding habits. Usually ahead of a change in pressure, migratory fish begin an exciting feeding pattern. Several anglers who have managed to get out into the harbor and avoid the floating debris, have reported that they have caught […]

Rules for Driving Golf Carts

There has been some confusion about operating golf carts in Burnt Store Marina. Please be aware that there are rules for golf cart use, and a violation will get you a citation from the Lee County Sheriff’s Office. Effective October 1, 2023, golf carts may not be operated on any “streets” by someone who is […]

Golf Tips

With the season upon us, it is a good time to discuss how to properly practice and warm up for a round of golf. When you go to the range for a practice session, the best thing to do is practice with a purpose. The first thing to do is have a target to focus […]

BOCCE – That’s the Way We Roll!

Come join new and old friends in a healthy activity and friendly competition. As proposed, bocce was not part of the 2024 Olympic Games in France. However, bocce has been a Special Olympics World Game sport since 1991. Bocce helps provide the women and men, girls and boys with special needs, the opportunity for social […]

Burnt Store Marina Dog Park

The BSM Dog Park Committee members held the second annual Woof O Ween Pet Costume Contest and Party on October 29. Many of our four-legged residents and their owners came out to participate and share in the fun. See the pictures of this year’s winners on page 35. The BSM Dog Park will officially open […]