Club News and Activities

Grab your racket! Make a difference!

It’s not often that you have the chance to share the court with Grand Slam champions while making a difference for kids with cancer. For the past 15 years, Madisen’s Match has done just that, and we invite you to join us on March 15 and 16 to Grab Your Racket and Make a Difference! […]

Golf Tips

How many times have you been so frustrated with your game that you have thought about quitting? This game can bring you to the brink of insanity, and, it can also be the most satisfying thing you have ever done as well. We all go through periods where we are not playing well, and we […]

Fitness, Friends & Fun…Improvements Abound In & Around

It’s the height of our season, and the Burnt Store Marina Fitness, Racquet & Pool Club is buzzing with activity! Tennis and pickleball players are enjoying some friendly competition, swimmers are making waves, lifters are pumping iron, and dancers are moving to the beat. We’re thrilled with the 2024 updates, and improvements to our facilities. […]

Platinum Point Yacht Club –Feasting with Friends

Platinum Point Yacht Club (PPYC) members love to share time together. And what better way to join in camaraderie than over a shared meal? This past month provided so many opportunities for PPYC members to break bread together. The first opportunity came at the movable feast known as The Progressive Dinner. Over 150 members joined […]

Enjoying Your Walk

One morning a fellow walker stopped me and asked what the distance was around Prosperity Point, and how far was it from there to the front entry gate. With lots of residents returning and enjoying our pedestrian paths, I offer the following. All distances were measured with a GPS while riding in a golf cart. […]

Rules for Driving Golf Carts

There has been some confusion about operating golf carts in Burnt Store Marina. Please be aware that there are rules for golf cart use, and a violation will get you a citation from the Lee County Sheriff’s Office. Effective October 1, 2023, golf carts may not be operated on any “streets” by someone who is […]

Peace River Audubon Society (PRAS)

From time to time, you may have heard a flock of birds making whistling noises as they fly overhead. They are Black-bellied Whistling-Ducks. These photos were taken at Ollie’s Pond in Port Charlotte during our annual January 1 bird walk. They are black underneath with long necks and legs. They are here year-round, so there’s […]

Tight Lines…Winter Fishing,Try Using Chunks of Bait

As the harbor water temperature remains cool, the many types of small bait fish that anglers rely on are not readily available. Many baitfish, such as thread fins, whitebait, and fiddler crabs head south. Many fishermen turn to the use of artificial baits made of plastic or forms of rubber. Others turn to the use […]

Mark Your Calendar – Out and About

INSIDE THE GATES DATES Saturday, February 1: Deadline for the March Beacon. Article and picture submissions are welcomed. Become part of The Beacon family. Tuesday, February 25: Section 22 HOA Board Meeting, Linkside Café, 9 a.m. Every Tuesday: Section 22 HOA Working Board Meeting, Linkside Café, 9 a.m. Every Tuesday: Bar code installation, front gate, […]

Burnt Store Marina CC News

Hey everyone, it’s time to get your golf game in shape as things are ramping up here on the course. This is the time of the year when the weather is great, and so is the tournament schedule. For those that thrive on competition, the President’s Cup and the Club Championship are the two best […]