February already! How are those resolutions holding up? Don’t worry, the Fitness, Racquet, and Pool Club is here to provide the “Fitness & Fun” you need to stay on track. We believe a healthy lifestyle has five key components: nutrition, attitude, purpose, and (of course!) fitness and fun. We’ve got you covered on that last one. We offer everything you need to connect with others, try new things, and stay healthy. From social gatherings and diverse classes (yoga, dance, water aerobics, and more) to our inviting pool and excellent gym and courts.
Try our new Tai Chi classes! Gary (201-874-6649) teaches at noon on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. The cost is $10 per class (cash only).
A quick note about water aerobics: Please check Court Reserve before coming. On cold mornings, we’ll cancel class if the air is below 60°F and the pool water is below 84°F, as recommended by the American Red Cross.
Day Passes have been discontinued. In a concerted effort to serve the best interests of our full-time and seasonal members, we have discontinued the day pass. To keep our highly popular and impacted programs available to our community, offering day passes i scounter productive. We understand this may be inconvenient, but it’s necessary to protect the quality of our programs.
More tennis socials are in the works and our next one is the 23rd of February.
Get those brooms ready! The BSM Racquettes have been sweeping the competition. Karen Wilson, Deb Granger, Floortje Walther, Mif Haas, Kelly Milla and Beth Sieber swept Boca Grande (at home) and even saved some travel time this year by taking a boat to Boca Grande for the match! How cool is that?
The ladies’ 2.5 tennis team is looking for more players. Even if you’ve never played, they would love to have you join them and learn how to play. Being part of a team is a great way to make new friends and improve your overall fitness. If interested, please contact Elaine Kehoe at (518) 534-4612.


The annual Clinic & Welcome Back Party brought a capacity crowd to the courts. Three local pros, Ricky Deller (941-623-6632), Marty Pickup (914-719-2542), and Teresa Tarn taught, and then put on a show in the afternoon. Our own award-winning member, Peter Feldhusen, shared the nuances of working with Simone X, our ball machine. We wrapped up the evening with Grill Master, Steve Hocker, and his team of chefs, creating beef tenderloin and shrimp skewers.
Please come play or enjoy the fun at the February 8th and March 8th tournaments.
Not quite ready to compete? Come and learn about the game at one of our FREE introductory lessons. Sign up ahead of time for our Saturday at 11 a.m. or Sunday at 12 noon sessions.
Pickle On!
QUIZ TIME. Think you know about health? Put down your phones and test your knowledge.