Club News and Activities

BOCCE – That’s the Way We Roll!

  • February 2025

The Bocce League welcomed some new and enthusiastic players in December and January. Now that the holidays are over, other league players are returning. Everyone is looking forward to learning some new skills and strategies. So let the balls roll!

The game of bocce originated in Italy. So a great way to celebrate a baci (when a bocce ball is touching the pallino), is with a Blackberry Campari Cocktail! Campari is a bright red Italian liquor with a strong orange taste. To make the cocktail you start with a blackberry syrup. Simmer about 2/3 of a cup of blackberries with 1⁄2 cup of sugar and 1⁄2 cup of water over medium-low heat for about 15 minutes, stirring as the sugar dissolves and the berries soften. Pour the berry syrup (about 11⁄2 cups), through a mesh strainer into a bowl and cool to room temperature. Fill a 2–3-quart pitcher with ice. Pour in the berry syrup, 1 cup Campari and 1 liter of plain seltzer. Enjoy and celebrate!

Our goal is to introduce the joy and competition of bocce to more people. It is easy to learn, but challenging. Bocce is a wonderful game to stay active, socially and physically.

The bocce court is adjacent to the northeast side of the parking lot at Burnt Store Marina Country Club. Play is from 3 to 5 p.m. every Tuesday, followed by dinner at Link side Café or other local restaurants. Dinner is optional, and you do not have to be a member of Burnt Store Marina Country Club to play Bocce and have dinner. You will find an enthusiastic group of bocce players every Tuesday. Grab your lawn chair and join the fun. There is a nominal fee of $1 collected each week for maintenance of equipment, and end of season party and prizes.

You are welcome to play bocce at your leisure. There is a guest set of bocce balls in the back of the golf cart barn. It is in the unlocked plastic container clearly marked for general use. Please be sure to return the equipment to the cart barn when you are finished playing. So, gather your guests or grandchildren, and spend a couple of hours having some bocce fun!