Information / Education

Lifesaving Stories Sent to Oneblood.Org Donors from Recipients

  • February 2025


One of the happiest moments of Joni’s life was quickly followed by the scariest.

After giving birth in April 2018, Joni experienced a rare but serious condition that caused abnormal clotting in her body’s vessels, and she needed blood immediately.

As doctors worked to stabilize her, the USAF Lt. Col. was losing blood faster than could be transfused. In the first 27 hours, she received more than 98 units.

Those transfusions saved Joni’s life, allowing her doctors the precious time needed to assess and treat her condition.

Joni was put on dialysis and began improving, but the mom of three faced one more hurdle before she could be released from the hospital. Her hemoglobin was low, and she was experiencing shortness of breath. Joni needed two more blood transfusions before she could finally head home.

At the time, a national blood shortage made Joni’s harrowing ordeal even scarier. But her community answered the call and stepped up to save the day.

It truly takes a village, from the medical teams who acted swiftly to provide the care she needed, to the OneBlood team members who ensured blood products were within reach. None of it would have been possible without superhero blood donors.

“At the time, a national blood shortage made Joni’s harrowing ordeal even scarier. But her community answered the call and stepped up to save the day.

Dozens of donors lined up outside OneBlood’s Tallahassee Donor Center to donate in Joni’s honor. OneBlood staff opened the center early and stayed open late to collect from everyone who wanted to give, ensuring an adequate blood supply for those in need.


I’m a platelet donor and I’ve been donating for a few years. I enjoy giving platelets, and know that I’m giving back to the community. Every time I donate it’s always a pleasant experience, primarily because the staff (Joyce and Georgette) at the Plantation Donor Center has made it so. In the five to six years I have been giving, there has never been a bad day, bad attitude or bad experience.


I donate because both my parents needed life-saving blood and platelets. My great nephew, at just a few days old, needed blood due to a brain injury at birth. I am happy to help save lives.Thank you for letting the donor experience be a great one. It’s an honor and privilege each time I go to know that I am able to give back to the community and make a difference. God bless.


I need transfusions until I get chemo and donor bone marrow to restart making my own blood again. Without transfusions I get so weak and dizzy I can barely walk around the house. So thankful for your donation!